Miller Harris Beauty

Let our Miller Harris perfume collection breathe colour and life into your world via the art of fragrance. Launched at the beginning of the millennium by perfumer Lyn Harris, the brand is celebrated for evoking meaningful stories through the complex couture scents it creates. 

Miller Harris fragrances are inspired by the beauty of the natural world, capturing simple everyday moments in the form of sweet aromas. As soon as you spritz on one of their specially formulated scents, you'll find them conjuring a narrative as your senses are whisked away. Let bright and fresh notes, like those of neroli, sweet jasmine and honeyed orange flower, leave you dreaming of sun-soaked days. Or choose a perfume dashed with pink pepper or bergamot to give you the most alluring scent.

Throughout the collection you'll spot our Project Earth badge proudly marking Miller Harris body lotions and perfumes. The brand rightfully gained this mark with its continued commitments against animal testing – all of its products are vegan and also free from parabens and artificial colourants. Plus, it's working to increase the number of fair trade materials that go into them. A perfume that smells good and does good? Count us in.

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